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Paris 1907 : Gertrude Stein met an American expatriate : Alice B. Toklas.
They had what we call "love at first sight".

Gertrude seen through Alice's eyes : "She wore a large, round coral brooch, and when she talked, very little, or laughed, a good deal, I thought her voice came from her brooch. It was unlike any other else's voice -- a deep, full velvety contralto's, like two voices."

Alice described Gertrude with passion and tenderness while her lover talked about Ms Toklas with cruder words:
"my delicious dish, my little wife"

The couple was perceived by people in opposite ways. According to Diana Souhami, an author who wrote their biography, Gertrude and Alice :
"Alice was gay, kitten, pussy, baby, queen, cherubim, cake, lobster, wifie, Daisy, and her little jew. Gertrude was king, husband, hubbie, Mount fattie and fattuski."

Each of the two had their own role. Gertrude was the genius of the couple, who was waiting for Alice to do her job as a mistress of the house.